Drilling contractor
Drilling contractor
Business Overview

Petreven is a low impact Drilling Contractor (established in 1998 in Venezuela).

The Company has a solid background in low impact drilling rig engineering & management service.

The main objective of Petreven is to provide low impact drilling services in those areas where the use of our technology and expertise will be able to create increase of drilling performance, cost reduction, high safety standards and environmental protection.

The strategy behind our drilling service is to develop a project, creating together with the client a dedicated working team, able to design a "fit for purpose" drilling rig to enhance productivity and additional value to the field operations.

Mission & Vision

Mission: Provide an attractive and fit for our customers service to gain and consolidate their trust and their respect.

Maintain the highest standards of safety and productivity with the utmost attention to the environment by increasing the skills of our staff and making people more and more "actively participative in business processes“.

Enhance the commitment and active participation of all staff in consolidating an internal process of accountability to generate an improvement in the professionalism of every individual.

Petreven it's us... Together we create our own future!!!


Vision: Be the technology partner of excellence in the Geothermal, Oil & Gas drilling industry.

Our History

In Venezuela, Petreven started its operations on June 16th, 1999, with the Rig G-200 drilling the first well, the ORC-28, on the Orocual Field belonging to PDVSA. As well, on August 18th, 2000, the Rig G-102 started to work in La Concepcion Field with Petrobras. Subsequently, Petreven added the rigs H200 and H301 to the Venezuelan operations.

In 2002, the G-102 was moved to Colombia, starting its activities in Guando Field with Petrobras, drilling the well GUA-29. Later, on January 16th, 2011, the rig H-201 Cyber initiated its activities in the Field Yarigui belonging to Ecopetrol.

On June 21st, 2005, H-103 drilled its first well in Argentina, the PH-1478 in the Puesto Hernández Field belonging to Petrobras. At today Petreven has 11 rigs in operation in this country and more of 1650 drilled wells.

On November 17th, 2006, Petreven started in Peru with the rig H-107, that began drilling the well TA-8407 at Lote-X Field with Petrobras. On September 28th, 2007, H-109 started to drill the well BA-8523, always operating for Petrobras on the same reservoir. In Peru, Petreven drilled almost 800 wells.

In Chile, the rig H-202 started operations on February 4th, 2011, drilling the well Nika Sur 2 in the Bloque Fell Field of the operator Geopark. In 2011 Petreven moved the H-110 and in 2013 started the operation with the rigs W101 and W102.

Codice Etico - Code of Ethics

Il Codice Etico di Petreven Spa esprime gli impegni e le responsabilità etiche nella conduzione degli affari e delle attività aziendali assunte dai propri collaboratori.

In questo senso, è convincimento della società che l’etica nella conduzione delle proprie attività sia una condizione indispensabile per il suo successo, uno strumento di promozione della propria immagine e contestualmente, la rappresentazione di un patrimonio di valori che ispirano la società nel proprio operare.

A questo scopo Petreven Spa ha deciso di adottare questo Codice che, in linea con i principi di correttezza, lealtà, onestà già condivisi dall’azienda, è destinato a regolare le attività dell’azienda stessa, attraverso la definizione di norme comportamentali che fissano i principi generali di riferimento.



Petreven Spa’s Ethic Code points out all commitments and ethic responsibilities employees have to comply with when carrying out business and general company activities.

Considering what above, the Company strongly deems that ethic principles should pervade all its activities, since ethics is a prerequisite in order to achieve success; it’s a remarkably effective tool to promote the company image and, at the same time, it also represents a heritage of values that will never cease to inspire the company.

Bearing this in mind, Petreven Spa decided to adopt this Code which, being aligned with all principles of fairness, loyalty and honesty already shared in the past by the company, is now destined to manage all its activities through the definition of behavioral prescriptions setting the main general principles of reference.


Petreven Spa, sensibile alla necessità di assicurare condizioni di correttezza e di trasparenza nella conduzione degli affari e delle attività aziendali, in relazione alle aspettative dei propri azionisti e del lavoro dei propri dipendenti, ha provveduto ad attuare il Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo (D.lgs 231/2001).

L’adozione del Modello 231/2001 anche in relazione all’emanazione del Codice Etico di Gruppo, si è reso indispensabile per rafforzare l’assunzione di comportamenti organizzativi e funzionali corretti e lineari, nell’espletamento delle proprie attività lavorative, tali da prevenire il rischio di commettere reati ed illeciti.

La società ha elaborato il Modello con l’obiettivo di rendere il proprio sistema organizzativo conforme ai requisiti previsti dal D.lgs. 231/2011, in coerenza con i principi già radicati nella propria cultura di governance e con le linee guida di Confindustria.



Petreven Spa, always willing to ensure fair and clear conditions in the management of business and company activities and in conformity with the expectations of its own shareholders and with the work of its employees, has implemented the Form for the Organization, Management and Control (Law Decree 231/2001).

The adoption of said Model 231/2001, also in view of the issuing of the Ethic Code of the Group, was deemed as necessary in order to strengthen the acceptance of an organizational and functional behaviour that is fair and straightforward, in carrying out all working activities, and such as to prevent the risk of committing crimes and torts.

The company has drafted the Form with the aim of making its own organizational system complying with the requirements envisaged by the Law Decree 231/2011, in conformity with the principles already rooted in its governance culture and with the guidelines issued by Confindustria.

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